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DELSUC Nicolas, Laboratoire des biomolécules, LBM, Département de chimie, Ecole normale supérieure, PSL University, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

Title: Setting-up a combinatorial strategy to discover efficient catalysts mimicking antioxidant metalloenzymes


Nicolas DELSUC has been trained in chemistry at Bordeaux University. He obtianed a PhD in 2007 in supramolecular chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Ivan Huc. He obtained a fellowship to join the group of Prof. Itaru Hamachi at Kyoto University where he worked on peptidyl receptors. In 2009, he came back to France as temporary lecturer (ATER) in the Laboratoire des Biomolécules (LBM, UMR7203), where he worked with Prof. Philippe Karoyan. He has been appointed as CNRS researcher in 2010 and joined the group of Clotilde Policar where he develops new peptidyl metal complexes as probes or drugs.
